Wednesday 25 January 2017

Loops Of Infinity

loops of infinity
There was a scintillating charm in his deep brown eyes. I always try to escape weltschermz, but when I saw him it hit it me in the most beautiful way. It is a great irony how anyone could be happy in a state of weltschermz, but that day I was more than happy. I was ecstatic. The sense of benevolence on his face left me absolutely satiated.I could not let my eyes move off his face, even if I wanted to. It was like I was trapped in the loops of infinity. The more I tried getting out of the idiosyncrasies of his eyes, the more I was lost in it.Then I surrendered. I let myself rusticate in the deep mysteries of eyes. It was the only mystery I did not wish to solve, because I wanted to be the one qui vive in those mysteries.
And now, as the aroma of coffee on this chilly winter morning draws me back to reality, I wonder if all of it was only in my fantasies.

Into oblivion

I send my regards to you dear stranger whose name lies forgotten in the deep history of the gone. You kept the light of your ...