Sunday 26 March 2017

Window To The Broken Soul

...Dumbeldore watched her fly away, and as her silvery glow faded he turned back to Snape,and his eyes were full of tears. 
       " After all this time?"
                      "Always," said Snape.
Tears came streaming down her face as she read Page 688. She was disturbed not only because of the demise of The Half Blood Prince but also because of his love for Lilly which was beyond the realm of reason. She knew what it felt like to love someone with everything and not to be loved back. 

The mere mention of his name made her tingy and ecstatic. She could not fathom what it would be like to not see his face every morning. The restless expression on his face made her heart soar. She was afraid of losing him even when he did not even belong to her. He hurt her deeply, being unaware even of her existence. She was broken, a little more everyday.

Yet, the light of her love kept flickering, all in the name of an undying love. All in the hope that one day, there will be a window to her broken soul.

Into oblivion

I send my regards to you dear stranger whose name lies forgotten in the deep history of the gone. You kept the light of your ...