Friday 19 May 2017

The healed scar

You do not know. Or maybe you never knew. You never knew what it felt like when the dancing sunshine in the naked sky, when the crystal moon glimmering on a starless night, when the butterfly resting on the broken glass of my window, all of these reminded me of you. It was like the entire cosmos was solely created to drag me to the thought of your existence. But was it ever the same way for you?

Each morning I whispered your name like that prayer that stays on your tongue forever. Every time my lips tasted the flavour of your name, it was like salvation. And when you gave utterance to my otherwise average name, it felt like a poetry. That one poetry which you want to hear forever. I thanked the divinity with all my heart for being able to hear this poetry.

But what are you now? You are like a gusty wind on the shut window of my love. Howling for me to let you in. Let you in so that you could revive the scars that have healed now. But maybe I would open the window, open the window to let the wind of your love to rustle again through my hair. Maybe once again.

Into oblivion

I send my regards to you dear stranger whose name lies forgotten in the deep history of the gone. You kept the light of your ...