Sunday 8 April 2018

Into oblivion

I send my regards
to you dear stranger
whose name lies forgotten
in the deep history of the gone.

You kept the light of your valor
burning bright
for the lives of your countrymen
to be filled with eternal light.

You treated them like an old companion
the mortar and shell
While being conscious of the truth
that they made your world a horrid hell. 

While I light the lanterns
And send them to the sky
Your son looks up there
and still wishes for one last goodbye.

You bid an adieu to the world
which does not even know your name
But you chose to keep it that way
staying away from all the fame.

You renounced your life
overlooking thy loved ones pain
But Oh dear soldier!
all of that seems to have gone in vain.

I pray to the Almighty
that he may bestow your son and wife
with the spirit to accept the
legacy of your majestic life.

-Saumya Dubey.

Into oblivion

I send my regards to you dear stranger whose name lies forgotten in the deep history of the gone. You kept the light of your ...